I just wanted to take a quick moment to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. I have been reflecting over the past year and any person would probably say they would be glad to leave behind such a year as mine.
Over 2010 I have seen the loss of my Tia, who I think about every day. I lost me beloved Schnauzer Jasmine after 13 wonderful years of life. I recovered from a horrible bicycle accident. I rebounded from a car accident that totaled my wife's 2 week old new car. I went through a stroke-scare with my mother. And last but not least, I saw the fruition of all my anxiety, doubt, and fears come to its peak boiling point.
BUT...at the end of the day everything from the above mentioned has made me a stronger person, and through my trials, I have learned that my Father in Heaven loves me abundantly. I feel as though I have obviously had some extreme low points, but its the high points that let me know everything will ultimately always work out.
It sure doesn't seem like it in the moment, but I can testify to you that its sincerely God's grace that keeps one from goin insane. Funny thing, I was researching anxiety, and coping with panic attacks last week and I came across a description that I felt matched my crazy little head. I noticed that General Anxiety Disorder seemed to fit me to a T.
Now I am not proclaiming that I have this disorder, but I sure do fit a lot of the criteria when I am having a BAD day! Anyhow, within the "Tips and tricks to dealing with your anxiety" I noticed that "THEY" being the scientific experts and know-it-alls recommended having a "FAITH" to turn to when times get tough.
I thought how interesting...that SCIENCE was telling a perfect stranger to rely on a "FAITH" to help cope with there anxiety. It's amazing how true that rings for me this past year. I have found that I am so much closer to God than I have probably ever been.
As I was sitting holding my Tia's hand as the cancer took her life away in the hospital, I felt the most genuine peace from God I ever felt. I can recall sitting with my Mom and Wife and you could hear a dust particle drop, that's how quiet the room was. There wasn't a rush of crying and emotion as she passed away, but more of a sincere beauty that death can bring to a loved one who's body is fading away painfully.
I probably sound like a Debbie downer and I certainly do not mean to make anyone feel bad, but my point is that even at our LOWEST OF LOW LIFE POINTS, HE aka The Creator of Heaven And Earth, the ONE, our Father In Heaven is there with you, watching you, feeling your pain, counting your tears, and holding your hand as you endure life's mandatory trials.
This my friends, is the GOOD NEWS! We are never alone. Even in the midst of the waves crashing against the rock in which you reside, That wonderful Creator loves you and will see you through it. Even better to root your self in his gospel, and find time during your day to pray or have a conversation with him.
It's kinda funny, but at last Sunday's Sacrament meeting in church, my Bishop spoke and it was almost like he was talking DIRECTLY to me cause it was what I needed to hear at that moment in time. He said that if Fear and Doubt was consuming our life, let Heavenly Father provide the necessary relief from an Unnecessary turmoil that we didn't have to suffer with. Honestly at the end of the day, we cannot control what happens anyway, so no sense in worrying about the unexpected right? Right.
I'll leave you with a creative idea my Mom had me put together....A "Naranjo Christmas List 2010" and on that list there are 3 things each member of my family must fill out "My Gift To Jesus Christ", "My Gift To Myself," and "My 2011 Wishes". Feel free to share this with your family this Christmas and skip the unnecessary "2011 NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS" that are forgotten by February.
On that note, I wish you and your family, friends, and beloveds a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will see ya in 2011!
PS, here's the Winter Solstice Eclipse that happened the other day. I was asleep through it, but man it sure is cool! Check it out below:
Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse from William Castleman on Vimeo.
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