Have you ever been dumped, and didn't really know why? It could be because the guy WAS a tool, but there ARE certain types of girls seem to get dumped A LOT. So, here's a little list to help you figure out if YOU are you one of them?
According to men, here are the 5 types of women send them running for the hills . . .
#1.) THE DRYER SHEET. This is a girl who's too clingy. No matter where her guy goes or who he's with, he can't shake her. But guys crave freedom, so being that clingy is suffocating. Even if he says he LOVES spending time with you, you need to back off now and then.
#2.) THE NUTCASE. Ladies, do you flirt with other guys just to make your boyfriend jealous? Do you scream at him in public? Here's a test: If you think you'd be great on "The Hills" or "The Real Housewives Of New Jersey", you might be a Nutcase.
#3.) THE FULL DISCLOSER. You don't need to re-cap every conversation you had with your mother, talk about your cat's eating habits, or get into the details of your 'monthly cycle.' It's great to be comfortable with a guy, but a little mystery helps too.
#4.) THE DRAMA QUEEN. Drama Queens always threatens to leave, but if HE tries to dump YOU, you have a meltdown and beg him to stay. It's like being a Nutcase, but more emotional. If you're always in rollercoaster relationships, you're a drama queen.
#5.) THE TIMEKEEPER. If you complain that you're not a guy's number one priority, you're like the clingy Dryer Sheet, but more manipulative. So you're more likely to lay a guilt trip on a guy when he goes out with friends, or works overtime at the office.
I just wanna say I married to the most beautiful women in the world and she is NONE of these ;-)