Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Not really, BUT i did sing my little heart out!

I waited in line for hours, I possibly suffered HEAT STROKE and I got to see the DIVA tendencies of Miss Ryan Seacrest.

But it was all worth it...I got to Audition in Denver for the American Idol producers and alas, I was told a NO.

I did however get pulled aside from one of the producers after singing and she was so kind and generous to me and told me to keep sing because I was really good. So, ya know what?


Plus, my wife and I got to bond in the 112 DEGREE temperatures of the MILE HIGH INVESCO FIELD! lolololol

Seriously though, I met so many wonderful and and talented people, and I'm glad I got to try ONE LAST TIME for the music machine that is...AMERICAN IDOL!

Now, who knows what amazing dreams will come true for me ;-)