Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Monday.

So good to me...

Cliche, but oh well. is officially Monday and I am feeling it. I woke up with a cough/sneeze this morning, so that pretty much sucks.

But the Superbowl was on last night, didn't really care, but I saw some really funny commercials. I find it interesting that during this strapped economic time that people are still dropping not only MILLIONS to produce TV commercials, but also MILLIONS for the advertising rates.

But I think Doritos will be ssing some decent turn around and I'm not gonna lie, the Bud Lite commercial with T-Pain and the auto-tuned guys was HIL-arious. Gotta love auto-tune.

I did miss this spot with Beyonce and a slew of pop culture references:

Looks really cool. Sorta like Transformers.

Oh yeah! AND I also bought The Hangover UNRATED edition and it is worth the extra 5 bucks lemme tell you. Its so funny. There is a gag reel which is worth the money alone, and also the ad-libbing scenes of "Mr. Chow".

My wife and I watched last night and laughed our asses off! Oky doke...on that note, I wish you a happy Monday. It's snowing here in beautiful Colorado, so I will enjoy the view.
