17 year-old Miley Cyrus is planning to take some time off from the music industry so she can shed her clean mouskateer-pop star image and refocus on rockier image & sound.
Miley's basically tired of all the pressure from having to be this wholesome person that she's been set up to be. Miley feels that at heart, shes just a rock chic...RIGHT
Miley says:
“I want to do my last pop record, I’m working on a record right now. I kinda (sic) want this to be my last record for a little while and be able to take a break and just get all the types of music that I really love… you know my favorite styles. And be able have something edgier and not have to worry about people saying, ‘Oh, this isn’t what her fans want to listen to.’ Because in a few years, as I grow up, so will my fans and I won’t have to focus on that as much and I’ll be able to have more of the sound of music that I’m into.”
Good luck Miley!