So a Judge just ordered Kelis' soon to be EX-HUSBAND, Rapper Nas, to pay over 50 THOUSAND DOLLARS a month in spousal and child support!
That means she'll be getting about 600,000$ a MONTH! Pay day!
Oh yeah, and she also has some thoughts on other magic FM artists:
On Rihanna, snd the notion that she JACKED her style/image:
“You know what. Listen, it’d be totally ridiculous for me to not acknowledge it if someone asks [pause]. The reality is, what is she like 20? I mean [shrugs], what else is she supposed to do? I mean honestly. [pause] I don’t have any animosity at all whatsoever. That’s what she’s supposed to do [laughs].”
Then Kelis opened up about Lady GaGa:
“She’s a youngin. I appreciate it. It’s interesting actually. I appreciate her visually. I really appreciate her visually. I say this all the time — being pretty is exhausting and it’s boring, and I think that when you’re not afraid to not be pretty and just kind of go there… and I’m not saying that she’s not pretty but I’m saying that as far as the choices she makes fashion wise… That’s what’s fun.”
Kelis is currently working on her new album due in SPRING 2010. She's in the studio with David Guetta working on an ELECTRO-DANCE vibey album!
Can't wait for this one!