RIHANNA'S interview with DIANE SAWYER was on Friday on "Good Morning America" and "20/20"...and lemme tell you, it's not looking good for Chris.
Rihanna said, "I kept thinking when is it going to stop? When is it going to stop? He had no soul in his eyes. Just blank. He was clearly blacked out. There was no person when I looked at him."
Rihanna said it was a text message Chris received from another woman that sparked the fight . . . quote,
"I caught him in a lie, and he wouldn't tell the truth. And I wouldn't drop it.I couldn't take that he kept lying to me, and he couldn't take that I wouldn't drop it . . . It escalated into him being violent towards me. And it was ugly. I was battered, I was bleeding, I was swollen in my face. My next option was to get out of the car and walk, start walking in a gown and a bloody face. I didn't have a plan. That whole night was not part of my plan."
Rihanna believes that Chris may have been a victim of his own celebrity,
"Fame came to Chris very young . . . You're a kid and the word 'no' doesn't exist? You become invincible. There's no right or wrong, you just do, as you want to."
Through it all, though, Rihanna said she still loves Chris . . . quote, "I don't hate him at all. I actually love and care about him. I want him to do well, have a great career, have a great life and grow up. And just take this as something you had to go through to grow up and learn."
Rihanna admitted that she'd never heard "Changed Man" . . . the apology song Chris wrote for her. She also never saw the video apology Chris posted on YouTube.
When Diane Sawyer showed it to her, Rihanna said it sounded like he was reading off a Teleprompter. (<----LOL)
Diane asked what she wanted to hear from Chris, Rihanna's answer was . . . NOTHING!
Rihanna did say, "What I want, is for him to accept this as a man would and accept the responsibility, and not find a way to feel sorry for himself."