Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael's Famous Friends...

Magic FM wants to be sure that you’re able to watch the Michael Jackson Memorial at L.A. ’s Staples Center , so we’re making the live feed available to you on

ONCE AGAIN...Michael Jackson's Memorial will be streaming LIVE on 98.9 MAGIC FM...CLICK HERE to stream live on our website.

Famous friends expecting to attend are:

Mariah Carey (singing I'll Be There)
Jennifer Hudson (also singing)
Usher (also singing)
Stevie Wonder
Berry Gordy
Lionel Ritchie

Elizabeth Taylor WILL NOT attend, she just wrote on her Twitter: "I've been asked to speak at the Staples Center. I cannot be part of the public whoopla. And I cannot guarantee that I would be coherent to say a word. I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a public event. I said I wouldn't go to the Staples Center and I certainly don't want to become a part of it. I love him too much."

RIP Michael =(