A very cool breaking music news blog, which has been added to my favorite sites over on the right there, known as The Prophet Blog has had me design the header banner for the site! Check it out below:

The Prophet Blog is one of those unique and HILARIOUS style music blogs that not only gives you the skinny on what's breaking in music as it happens, but quick whip and smartly honest commentary to go along. The author of this blog makes me laugh at least once a day with his remarks, and I think he will have you rollin'!
Back when I was doing The Magic Morning Show on 98.9 Magic FM as Best Friend Bobby, I used a variety of websites and sources to get the latest and hottest gossip in the entertainment world for my "Few Things To Know Before You Go" segment. Well The Prophet Blog QUICKLY became my favorite site of the bunch and I check it religiously till this day for all breaking music news. Plus he tends to like the same artists that I do so that helps too!
PS, if you or anyone you know of is in need of creative graphic work with a unique twist, please feel free to contact me at bobbyadan@gmail.com. I happen to be the Webmaster of Magic FM currently and I am always trying to express some cool art there as well, so please check out www.989MAGICFM.COM as well to see some Bobby art. But first go check out The Prophet Blog!
Make sure to mark your calendars for July 27th..."BOBBY ADAN" on iTunes will be available in The good ol' USA, Canada,en Mexico, down under in Australia/N.Z., Japan, and the jolly good United Kingdom!
Last night I was trying to get to bed so I put on my iPod per usual and listened to my album. Well that wasn't the best idea cause I didn't fall asleep till 2AM! I was so excited and my mind was racing about how to network, promote, and get this album heard by music lovers everywhere! Plus my damn iPod's checker app kept kicking my arss and I was getting pretty heated.
Today is Wednesday and I have a feeling it's going to be a great day. Happy HUMP day yawl!