Well friends...I'm officially 30, and it's not as bad as I thought. Saturday was a day of Colorado exploration in the paradise-like area known as Vail. My wife, mom, dad, nephew, and dog all took me for the day. It was AMAZING! Kat and I go once a year but I always wanted my family to go. We walked around, shopped, I played in the fountain with my nephew Brody and the other kids, and the day couldn't have been anymore perfect. Check out some highlights:
This is the view from THE BLUE MOOSE pizzeria where we had a DELICIOUS dinner. If you go to Vail order the THE BIG MOOSE...compliments of M. Dean.
This is my dog Maddox using my nephew Brody's stroller. Maddy got a little tired with the elevation and walking, so Brody kindly let him use the stroller.
This is Maddox and I posing after dinner. Isn't he the cutest 3 year-old black Scottish Terrior you ever saw?
PS, my wife and I saw "SPLICE" that evening after we got home from Vail and it was so friggin' hilarious and sick and twisted and wrong on so many levels! I recommend this maybe as a $1 Red Box rental, but Kat and I were certainly laughing VERY hard when we left. Kat said it was MY BIRTHDAY MOVIE so I got to choose, and boy was it worth the shock-factor value.
This is a picture of "DREN" the main character of the movie. The premis is she has DNA that has been spliced with several animals along with a human's. That's all I'll say...go see the movie for yourself. IT'S AWESOME!
I woke up on Sunday morning, June 20th, at 7:32 with a smile on my face. I immediately felt such a joy and peace with the fact that I was no longer in my 20's. It was weird too...I woke up with EVERY intention of sleeping in and (shamefully) missing my first 2 church meetings cause Kat and I went to bed at like 2:30AM!
So I woke up and I felt like God told me to get up for church cause I would be blessed for going. And man I gotta tell ya...when the Lord wants you to do something, just do it. Church was great. I heard 3 special talks on Fathers from some of the youth in my ward and it was such a blessing to my spirit.
After church, Kat took me to get my Superman birthday cake. It was so awesome and yummy and JUST what I wanted. It read "HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY SUPERBOY"
After that Kat and I sorta putzed around and went to Target. Then she took me for a DELICIOUS lunch at Texas Roadhouse (my FAVORITE place to eat in the Springs) and then we came home and enjoyed cake and ice cream with my family.
This is just one of the many awesome gifts I got for my birthday...here's Brody and I saying CHEESE for the camera as I model my new sleeveless dry mesh shirts for bike riding!
And speaking of BIKE RIDING....
This was my shiny new bike my Mom and Wife bought me. It had a big green bow and I actually got to ride it last night for a few miles and I love it!
So here's to 30 baby! Talk to ya soon =)
Love me.