Hey yawl...just thought I'd say hi. I survived my work week post Las Vegas which for me was easy cause I don't drink, but hard cause I think I was still shaking Jet Lag. Anyway, I couldn't have asked for a better week, minus the disorganization of others, I handled all the tasks at hand.
Well its a beautifully rainy Saturday afternoon here in Colorado. I'm cold, hungry, and I wish my wife was here. Days like this are meant to spend with your honey.
Anyway, she gets home at 9 tonight, so we'll see if I can convince her into a movie tonight. Is it weird I wanna see Kick Ass? Oooh or Date Night looks good too. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
PS, I found this website last night that made me crack up : http://fmylife.com
Its a whole bunch of those Debbie Downers that we ALL know from facebook or whatever, and they are freaking hilarious.